Chen Residence - Jersey City, New Jersey
LEED Gold | Net Zero Energy | Passive House
Chen Residence - Jersey City, New Jersey
LEED Gold | Net Zero Energy | Passive House

Chen Residence - Jersey City, New Jersey
LEED Gold | Net Zero Energy | Passive House
This property lies in the heart of the historic Hamilton Park area of downtown Jersey City and was originally built in 1867. Initially intended to be a simple renovation on the original frame, it was discovered that underneath the aged surface was an even worse aged structure of rotten lumber and disintegrated brick. Even by 1867 standards, this was a poorly built home and time had not been kind.
Once it became clear that the house had to be rebuilt entirely, the owner realized this represented an opportunity to build something very special. Frank Sorisi was hired to design the redevelopment and came together with Eric Bourgie of Polar Green to execute this project, which quickly diverted into an exploration of its passive potential and sustainability of design and construction. After all, just a few years prior, hurricane Sandy had landed on the shores of Jersey City and flooded the neighborhood.
The team wanted to ensure this new construction would better resist the test of time than the original building, benefit from increased resilience in the face of the inclement Northeast climate, and not be yet another participant in the depletion of the global environment that is known to be a driving factor behind the increasingly uncertain climate.
Armed with this mindset, Frank and Eric went to work.
Principal Designers:
Frank Sorisi & Eric Bourgie
Polar Green Architecture & Engineering LLP
LEED, Zero Energy & Passive House Certification:
Polar Green Consultants LLC
Polar Green Architecture & Engineering LLP
Structural Engineer:
Lahita Engineering LLC
Polar Green Construction LLC
Polar Green Investment LLC
Turn-key design-build including architecture design, passive house and LEED certification consulting, energy modeling, MEP design and construction.